PCI DSS Certification

A full suite of services to certify your business

PCI DSS v4.0

is the new version of the standard. What you need to know to keep your certification

PCI DSS Certificate

The PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) is a set of security standards designed to ensure a secure environment for cardholders’ stored, transferred and/or processed data within the information infrastructure of organizations.

The main objective of the PCI DSS is to ensure the security of network infrastructure and protect stored cardholder data, as these two aspects are the most vulnerable and directly threaten privacy and loss of funds.

In order to ensure the safety of client funds, companies such as VISA and MasterCard require compliance with the PCI DSS from retailers and various service providers who accept payments through these payment systems.

PCI DSS regulates the rules of payment system operation as well as the procedures for their development and monitoring.

PCI DSS requirements also apply to merchants, banks, various service providers, retail stores, call centers, payment gateways and other businesses and organizations which process, transmit and store cardholder data.
The standard contains 12 precise and detailed requirements:

    LAN protection;
    Configuration of information structure elements;
    Protection of stored cardholder data;
    Protection of transmitted cardholder data;
    Antivirus protection of information infrastructure;
    IS development and support;
    Access management to cardholder data;
    Authentication mechanisms;
    Physical protection of information infrastructure;
    Information security management;
    Event and process logging;
    Information infrastructure security monitoring.

Benefits ofPCI DSS

Protecting sensitive data

In a time of fierce competition, the theft of sensitive data can have devastating consequences for businesses. PSI DSS compliance helps minimize risks

International Compliance

PCI DSS is a common standard in the EU and essential for legitimate business operations

Reputation risk mitigation

The security of the client’s information and funds is directly related to a company’s reputation. If a client loses money because of negligence, the company’s reputation suffers first and foremost if it is due to non-compliance with the PCI DSS

Who needs a PCI DSS certificate?

PCI DSS certification for banks and processing centers

Banks and processing centers are directly connected to international payment systems. To ensure the safety of cash assets for their clients, payment system market leaders such as Visa and MasterCard require banks and processing centers to meet the PCI DSS. Many banks set up their own processing, which takes time and substantial funding. Other banks choose the easier way — connecting to an external independent processing center on the market. It is evident that card data security is very important for such institutions and hacking has the potential to cause huge financial losses and decrease the general credibility of card payments. That is why PCI DSS requirements must be strictly adhered to! The most extensive and strictest PCI DSS requirements are for processing centers and banks. E-money payment processes require special and constant security. Only organizations that meet all the PCI DSS requirements can guarantee this security level.

PCI DSS Certification for travel companies

Everyone who works in the travel business knows about the International Air Transport Association — IATA. In 2016, IATA issued a new requirement for all travel companies that use their online booking system.

This requirement is very simple — by March 1, 2018, all participants of the IATA system must undergo mandatory certification for compliance with the PCI DSS. In layman’s terms: your travel company must have a PCI DSS certificate to ensure the safety of your clients’ data and funds when using payment cards — Visa, MasterCard, etc.

Without this certificate, it is possible for hackers to acquire your clients’ data and steal their money.

Once a travel company or tour operator passes PCI DSS certification, they will be able to book and sell tickets.

After March 1, 2018, IATA stopped providing its services to companies that had not passed PCI DSS certification. Non-compliance with IATA requirements have negative consequences: penalties and increased service fees or full disconnection of online booking.

The simple fact is that all travel companies and tour operators must have a PCI DSS certificate. Even if your company is very small and you book flights for your clients, you will have to meet the IATA requirements and pass PCI DSS certification.

PCI DSS Certification for Retailers

If at least one transaction is conducted at your store, you must be PCI DSS compliant. This requirement applies both to brick-and-mortar stores and online stores. 
When a retail chain is PCI DSS compliant, neither clients nor management have to worry about something happening to money or personal data during card payments.
Before receiving a PCI DSS compliance certificate, the retail chain must implement all the procedures required by the standard. For example, staff must follow certain procedures: not take the client’s card, not leave the POS unattended. What is more, all staff will pass an integrity check.
Constant POS checks will be implemented as well. Each POS-terminal will be monitored by CCTV camera.
A PCI DSS compliance certificate ensures security for the client and an excellent reputation for the retail chain.

PCI DSS certification for e-commerce

A company is involved e-commerce if a client has purchased a product or service through a website, without a phone call or visit to the office.

When your company is PCI DSS certified, your clients do not have to worry about fraud and will feel secure paying for goods and services directly on your website with payment cards.

If your company does not have a PCI DSS certificate, banks will not provide services for credit card payments. This means that your clients will not be able to pay for goods or services directly on your website, which would be inconvenient for them, and you may lose some of your clients as a result.

With a certificate of compliance with the PCI DSS standard, your company can be easily connected to the bank payment system.

Banks care about their clients’ money and own reputation. That is why PCI DSS certification is required for online stores.

Security at all stages of money movement is crucial for the bank. Only a PCI DSS certificate can guarantee that level of security for a company.
The PCI DSS certificate opens the door to the world of e-commerce for your company. It also guarantees security to your clients.

PCI DSS certification for restaurants and hotels

The main objective of the PCI DSS is to ensure the security of network infrastructure and protect stored cardholder data, as these two aspects are the most vulnerable and directly threaten privacy and loss of funds. All those engaged in the НоReCa business segment are actively accepting card payments for their services and products. After all, it is convenient for clients. For example, with a payment card you can book a hotel suite from the comfort of your home or office, pay for lunch in a restaurant or order something online for home delivery. There is only one conclusion — cafeterias, restaurants, hotels and other participants in the НоReCa business segment who want to satisfy their clients must be certified and meet all the PCI DSS requirements. We offer fast certification for both small and large НоReCa businesses.

PCI DSS Certification for Data Centers

Data processing centers (data centers) are designed to process, store and distribute information. Data centers help large corporations, their primary clients, solve their business problems by providing information services. 
Every data center is interested in sustainable business development and attracting corporate clients from the banking or retail industry. To attract such clients, data centers undergo annual certification according to PCI DSS requirements.

These days, information needs to be secure. If a data center is PCI DSS compliant, it means that your information is protected.

World-renowned data centers such as AWS (a branch of Amazon), Microsoft Azure and DigitalOcean are PCI DSS certified. Moreover, these companies are audited annually for compliance with this standard.

$3 800 000

Average data theft losses


Companies affected by hacks

$200 000

Maximum fine for PCI DSS violations

8 steps to PCI DSS Certification


  • Questionnaire

    You will first need to fill out a questionnaire to choose and evaluate the certification procedure. This will help our experts understand your specific needs as well as estimate the certification costs. 
    The result of the first step is selecting a PCI DSS certification procedure, the final price, phases and deadlines.


  • Contract

    To be certified according to PCI DSS requirements, a contract must be signed between your company and IT Specialist.


  • Technical Analysis

    Technical analysis includes many different activities. As a result, you receive a detailed report. This report contains a list of nonconformities with the PCI DSS requirements. The report will also provide recommendations on how to eliminate them.


  • Elimination of nonconformities

    Elimination of all nonconformities mentioned in the report.
    This should be done in close cooperation with experts from our company and yours. A flexible schedule of mutual cooperation will be developed to facilitate this phase.


  • Certification audit

    Based on the results of this audit, your company receives a detailed report in electronic form and a certificate of compliance with all the PCI DSS requirements.


  • Payment

    Official issuance of your PCI DSS certificate by an authorized auditor.


  • Certificate

    You receive a hard copy of your PCI DSS compliance certificate with rubber stamps and wet signatures.


  • Continued validity

    Your PCI DSS certificate will be valid for 12 months. After 10 months, i.e. 2 months before the expiration date, you need to contact us to renew your PCI DSS certificate for the next year. The renewal procedure is simplified and the cost of services is reduced.

Time frames and costs of PCI DSS certification

Time frames for PCI DSS certification:
One to three months

The time frames for PCI DSS certification depend largely on the actions of employees in your company and how soon they can eliminate all the nonconformities related to the PCI DSS. 
Our company is interested in and will make every effort to ensure that your business is certified for PCI DSS compliance as soon as possible.

The cost of PCI DSS certification:
From $1,000 to $50,000

Before calculating the exact cost of PCI DSS certification, our experts must obtain information about your business processes:

What level or category of compliance is required?
What payment acceptance channels are used?
The method of payment data processing (type of SAQ).
Number of sites or offices.
Number of external IP addresses (on the Internet).
Number of servers, workstations, POS-terminals.

Sample certificate

PCI DSS sertificate

Conducting a pentest to pass a PCI DSS 4.0 audit

Informative articles

Ключові аспекти оновленого стандарту ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Ключові аспекти оновленого стандарту ISO/IEC 27001:2022
Ключові аспекти оновленого стандарту ISO/IEC 27001:2022

IT Specialist will perform quick, high-quality and comfortable PCI DSS certification for your business.

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